Copywriter. Storyteller. Part-time acrobat.

About Me

I am a copywriter, with an almost fanatical interest in the nuts and bolts of good storytelling.


I've been spinning creative, strategic, well-polished tales for the past thirteen years, working with some of the world's biggest brands, like PepsiCo, Verizon, Anheuser-Busch, and Hewlett-Packard.

From traditional media—print, TV, radio, direct mail, out-of-home—to social media and e-commerce, I've plastered nearly every surface imaginable with smart headlines, witty copy, and engaging ideas. I've written for bus shelters in Manhattan, local TV in North Carolina, and in-store displays in India. You know those airplanes that fly banners across the beach? I've written those, too.

I once chased a taxi for eight blocks across Brooklyn, just so I could ride in the one with my headline on the topper. I once got a noise complaint from my landlord for cheering too loud when my TV spot played during The Daily Show. What I'm saying is, I'm passionate about my work. And I bring that passion with me every day.

Want to see what I can do for your brand? 




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